Begins Earth Day 2021
Come join us!
A membership with ME will connect you instantly with others who want to mind the environment. Your membership will increase your knowledge and awareness about the undeniable link and correlation between the green commands and characteristics of the Quran, the sunnah and the environment. Your membership will unlock a network of connections and resources that will keep you plugged in to the latest environmental headlines, happenings and going ons with convenient social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. With your membership, you will also gain access to our monthly newsletter and bi-weekly blog and keep abreast of local grass roots events in your neck of the woods. We will share articles and valuable tips on how you can do your part at home and away from home to increase ihsan and develop a more environmentally conscious “nafs” or self that is mindful of “israaf” waste, neglect as well as “fassad” inadvertent corruption. And finally, with your membership benefits, you will enjoy discounts on trendy ME gear and merchandise. Wear us proudly!
Junior members are between 7 and 12 years young. It’s never too early to start teaching our children “rifq” or gentleness with the environment. Be it an animated movie with a environmental theme or a tree planting event, let’s keep our children on the “fitrah”.
Our teen members are between 13 and 19 years young. Teenagers often get a bad rep undeservingly just because they are teenagers. Remember, you were once a teen too and you turned out okay. We all need a little guidance from time to time. Trust your teenager because they are the next generation of nature conservationists and environmentalists. Without them in our corner, the future of the environment is uncertain.
The “Talib Ilm” or Seeker of Knowledge. We tip our hats to you. You are on the path of your Maker.
An adult membership is for those between 20 years of age and 61 years young. More of us fall into this category. If we can get the majority to pull its weight, then we can turn the tide on the environment.
Seniors 62 years young and counting can enjoy this membership. Seniors care about the world that their children and grandchildren will inherit. Membership is one way to educate your grandchildren about the environment and have quality time together.
Small businesses can have a significant impact on the plastic plague especially those in the culinary field. Show your support for the environment by dishing the straws, the styrofoam plates and cups, single use plastic forks and knives, plastic bottles and plastic bags. Proudly display your ME business membership in your establishment.
Our corporate membership are open and have no limit. If you work in corporate America and your employer allows you to contribute to a non-profit organization, kindly consider ME.